Six months ago, Facebook acquired Oculus for the virtual reality rapidly booming, Oculus DK2 has been shipping for several months now, while domestic entrepreneurs and manufacturers quickly followed suit. The night of November 10, co-chaired by House and Indie Matters "LetsTalk · VR "Salon of virtual reality, we invited all operators in the country, with more than 20 people chat about the status and future of virtual reality. Practitioners who attended included: K-Lab Pan Bohang, lighting unlimited CEO Guo Lin, founder of Virglass CEO Chen, 87870.COM CEO Cui Haiqing, NADA VRerse founder, core software CEO Yang Tianrui, and TVR Fang Xiangyuan classmates, storm mirror Senior Marketing Director, Wang Yong, UVRT Zhu Ziwei student, sophisticated look, Hao wei as Li Qiang, founder CEO Yang and so on.
How to design games for immersive VR head-mounted display?
87870.COM CEO Cui Haiqing said, the game is the contents of VR equipment is most likely, but it is not easy to do. Just like porting games from the desktop to mobile devices need to consider which screen size, interact, develop games for VR devices need to grab one of its most important features-immersed. No matter what type of game you do, be sure to catch this, play immersive. But Trey also believes some internally developed game "worth too little experience", most of the games are too easy, or there are some experience problems such as Vertigo.
Cui Haiqing stressed that a game should be able to allow users to continue to play an hour or two, you need to resolve "Vertigo". Virglass Chen for "Vertigo" two suggestions are given:
Extensive testing must be done because the reaction has a relationship with individuals, so many different samples, a large number of tests before they can be distributed to users;
Prospects game cannot change too dramatic, like the roller coaster itself is more dizzy. Vertigo and has a lot to do with the content, device actually has quite good in this respect.
Add location tracking can do better immersion, the user can move freely in space, rotate, and not limited to a fixed location. More flexible, comfortable and casual. The whole experience is completely different. Kenzo cover iPhone 6
Input: keyboard and mouse were abandoned
VR equipment only one screen is clearly not finished games, video and other content by complex interactions. Most are considering interaction in two ways: voice and handles. Keyboard and mouse are basically abandoned, because when you're wearing VR glasses, difficult to hold the mouse at the same time accurate by keyboard. Without handles, the mouse is a good choice.
Very wise CEO Yang Tianrui think voice high hopes is a way, but in practice there is a big problem. Kenzo iPhone 6
CEO Chen Virglass said: first of all, speech interactions it is best to use a local database, if you use the online will be delayed and, secondly, voice recognition accuracy is still not to the point where free use, not many supported languages; also, voice a long time will make people feel very tired. We concluded that the auxiliary input of the voice can be a good tool, but it's hard to assume the role of primary input tool.
By contrast, handles both mature and very efficient, user easy to use. Now there are some cool new interactive gestures capture, but the technology is still immature, application is very limited.
Application of game
VR products are unquestionably the most popular applications are games, but there are plenty of opportunities in other areas. Wang Yong, Director of market like a storm tells us that mirror the main position of the storm to watch 3D video, the software side of the storm already has a specifically designed to cope with the mirror use mirror pattern. Storms also worked with the Taobao global trade, the VR Conference or concert live, including the first perspective and Panorama mode. But on live applications, we have pictures real time rendering and image transmission bandwidth is a very big problem.
In addition, VR in the tourism, education, medical and other fields can also have a lot of applications.
Business model is very clear, not easy to do
VR glasses business model is clear: do content, fill in content, charging users.
But it's not easy to take the first step to really matter, physical hardware is needed to flatten the Internet software cost, this is any hardware products will encounter problems. Hao wei as a CEO Yang is considered stock products developers in droves, small amount is very reluctant, but a good game also decided the sale, so developers will either start a virtuous circle or start a vicious circle.
Resolve content issues is difficult to rely on a force of, ran the fastest vendor Oculus is establishing a series of standards, and the platform ecological similar Apple tends to be closed. Everyone agreed that there is a open platform like Android, but VR equipment manufacturers did, unified platform does not appear.
Lighting unlimited CEO Lin Guo also mentioned that the VR there is more business models, such as ticket like a theater experience. Using the configuration of the top equipment and well-made games and movies, get ticket revenue by charging experience. So manufacturers can split the high cost of the equipment, users can also bed and get a good experience.
Different from the domestic manufacturers eager to profit, Oculus has been taking a lot of "digging the pit, take the infrastructure" and its strategic objective, distant, we guess the Oculus may even use a glazing screen in the future, and vision-focusing screen really is a free virtual world watch.

2632 people voted
Oculus Rift in virtual reality
DK1, Oculus DK2 resolutions increased from 640x800 to 960x1080 (up 1920x1080). First generation of products in order to reduce the feeling of dizziness, DK2 OLED using low latency. One of the biggest improvement, believe the DK2 will join a group of detect head movements of the camera, so that players can implement such features as "close" movement, officials said just for this function's optimization team spent a lot of time. In addition, the DK2 gyroscopes, accelerometers and other sensors of the testing frequency will all upgrade to 1000HZ, but the weight will go up to 440 grams. Price was close to the people (although the DK2 still for developers)
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